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Effective Performance Support with MicroLearning

How can we achieve the most effective workplace training? Employees often face new systems and processes they must master to perform their tasks efficiently. With the help of MicroLearning and Performance support, employees can receive the support they need—when they need it. This article explores how MicroLearning can provide the most relevant and necessary support in the workplace and how it can contribute to optimizing learning and performance.

Anticipating User Needs

One of the most critical aspects of effective Performance support is anticipating the user’s needs before they arise. Organisations can implement real-time support by analyzing workflows and identifying common problem areas. For example, built-in guides or interactive help tools within a system can provide users with the information they need when encountering a problem. Instead of seeking help from a colleague or going through PDFs or videos for the entire process, employees can receive specific information. This approach reduces the length of work interruptions and increases productivity.


Motivation at the Right Moment

This form of learning is not only more effective but also more motivating because employees can immediately apply their new knowledge in practice. When the need for information is at its peak, so is the motivation to absorb it. MicroLearning capitalizes on this motivation by offering micro-support for micro-needs.

There’s no reason for an employee to learn everything about a system all at once. The risk is high that most of it will be forgotten within a month (link to a blog about Ebbinghaus). Instead, it’s better to offer support when it’s needed. This learning approach promotes understanding and retention because the information is directly applicable.


Consistency in Learning

When an employee is trained in a system by a colleague, many factors can influence the learning process—everything from the colleague’s knowledge level and work methods to their mood and stress levels. This can lead to two different colleagues teaching in entirely different ways, creating confusion and inconsistency. With Performance support through MicroLearning, the training will always cover all necessary aspects while remaining consistent. The employee receives an introduction in small, easy-to-follow steps and can feel confident they receive the best possible training without burdening a stressed colleague.


From MicroLearning to NanoLearning

MicroLearning often includes shorter training sessions of about 10-20 minutes, but we are now seeing a shift towards even shorter forms of learning—so-called NanoLearning. In our daily lives, we often consume information in concise formats, such as brief videos on social media. This form of learning can be effective for conveying simple yet important concepts in a short amount of time. NanoLearning is thus the next step in the evolution of Performance support, where employees can receive even more concentrated doses of relevant information. For instance, a video guide is most effective in short steps, with each clip being about one minute long.



MicroLearning, as part of Performance support, offers many benefits in the workplace. Organisations can create a more efficient and productive work environment by anticipating user needs, providing relevant support at the right time, ensuring consistent learning, and leveraging high motivation at the moment of information need. Adapting and implementing these techniques may be the key to optimizing learning and performance in today’s and tomorrow’s workplaces.



Read more about how you can optimize work with MicroLearning!


MicroLearning with InfoCaption



The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Annika Björlin-Delmar InfoCaption

Annika Björlin-Delmar