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Increased efficiency, support, and quality through searchable routines

Business developmentInfoCaption in action 6 min. read

Performance Support makes it easier when changing systems

Performance SupportInfoCaption in action 4 min. read

Get started with InfoCaption through communication and broad inclusion

Business developmentInfoCaption in action 5 min. read

Do you utilize the full potential of digital learning?

E-learningPerformance SupportInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

Major changes require knowledge support

Performance SupportInfoCaption in action 5 min. read

Courses that ensure both new knowledge and learning during the workday

E-learningPerformance SupportInfoCaption in action 4 min. read
Help employees find their way in the maze of knowledge
InfoCaption in actionProcess

You have probably heard many times about employees who express dissatisfaction with a system or a routine when it may just be that they do not see their part in the whole. If you can help employees...

Easily accessible and comprehensive information saves resources
Performance SupportInfoCaption in action

Getting assistance in your daily work when needed is the foundation for Performance support that we at InfoCaption frequently advocate. By centralizing working documents and processes, you save both...

Facilitate changes with digital support
Performance SupportInfoCaption in action

All organizations, sooner or later, go through changes, big or small. For the employee, this most often means new ways of working, which for some can mean some uncertainty and anxiety. To reduce...

Healthy guides to raise the level of knowledge
InfoCaption in action

Many organizations face critical situations where information must be updated and relevant to work steps and business development. Among other things, this fits in well with meal planning for public...

Interactivity with clicks and tests stimulates learning
Knowledge ManagementInfoCaption in action

The fact that humans are different is nothing new. We are different in the way we want to consume information and knowledge; some of us want to see and hear while others prefer to read the same...

Create thorough documentation and save time in the process
Performance SupportInfoCaption in action

Many organizations have several mission-critical systems that are used internally and affect people outside their organization. It is, therefore, important that the methods are used correctly....