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Lessons about learning in work life after the pandemic

E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance Support 6 min. read

Why employers should pay attention to knowledge-related stress

Knowledge ManagementBusiness development 4 min. read

Streamline software introduction with context-sensitive help

Knowledge ManagementBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 4 min. read

Create user success when implementing new systems

Knowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 5 min. read

Why e-learning should be called e-training

E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development 11 min. read

How you create a successful knowledge platform

Knowledge ManagementBusiness development 8 min. read
Has working life adapted to the Swedes' search behavior?
Knowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

The survey "Swedes and the Internet" by the Internet Foundation shows that since 2014 we Swedes have more than doubled our searching on search engines, such as Google and Bing. In 2019, 97% of people...

Simplify documentation for a progressing organisation
Knowledge ManagementBusiness development

It is easy to fall into the trap that everything needs to be well planned and evaluated before it can be made public. Looking at documentation and instructions for systems or work tasks, for example,...

What happens after a course?
E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

It can be hard to start creating in a new organisation. Even though you are qualified, know your job and have a positive attitude, new computer systems, ways of working and routines still demand your...

How Hogia supports their customers
HelpdeskKnowledge ManagementBusiness development

Hogia is a company developing business systems, software for staff administration and transport solutions. Hogia is a wide organization, with many smaller companies focusing on specific markets to...

The Borders Are Being Erased Between Education, Documentation and Support
E-learningHelpdeskKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

Informal learning is discussed a lot and is becoming a hot topic at more and more workplaces. This is in large part due to YouTube, Google and various Internet forums providing vast amounts of...

How to prepare your workplace for Millennials
E-learningKnowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development

We are the millennials, also known as digital natives. We have grown up in a world where information isn’t just everywhere, but also available through a quick search and click of a few buttons. We,...