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From completed courses in InfoCaption to activated access in Treserva

Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 4 min. read

Strengthening Sundsvall Municipality’s Expertise in Laws and Regulations

Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

A Fair Recruitment Process: Sandviken’s Course Leads the Way

Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

How workflows improve daily operations

Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 4 min. read

Learn how Stena Recycling supports employees with learning during system implementation

Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action 3 min. read

Effective Performance Support with MicroLearning

Knowledge ManagementPerformance SupportBusiness development 3 min. read
When physical courses are vital
Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action

Ensuring that knowledge is communicated effectively within an organisation is a challenge that many face. Humans have different ways of taking in information; some learn best by seeing and hearing,...

Get the maximum potential of new system functions with clear instructions
Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action

Change and development happen everywhere and all the time. New smart solutions replace each other. But how do you ensure that the new solutions are used in an organization so that you actually reach...

Effective how-to guides: support in the right context
Performance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in actionWorkflow learning

Navigating a new system means venturing into unknown territory. For Tanum municipality's Plan & Map department, the transition to the map program myCarta meant ensuring that users could quickly and...

10 tips for using QR codes in the workplace
Performance Support

QR codes have really become increasingly popular. We see it in apps like Swish and Mobilt BankID, but also on TV in news broadcasts and in restaurants. This frequent use means that most people are...

How can Performance support prevent the "forgetting curve"?
E-learningPerformance SupportBusiness development

Most organizations do little or nothing to support this "informal" learning. In this article, we describe how Performance support tools can enhance learning.

Innovative interactive training: Nacka municipality certifies in interaction
E-learningPerformance SupportBusiness developmentInfoCaption in action

Behind every human interaction is a basic need to be seen and accepted. In society, social interaction forms an important basis for creating a community where different individuals can cooperate and...