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Licenses och prices

Choose one or combine our modules: Assist, Train and Map.

You can also choose to try our platform free of charge for 14 days or buy a Light version if you have a more minor need.

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person på axlar med lila hjärna
All modules provide access to InfoCaption's platform for creating and sharing video and text guides, instructions, manuals and routines. InfoCaption always offers an unlimited number of producers.


Contextual support that enables quick help and guidance where the need arises directly in the system or on web pages. 
Read more about Assist here.

Unlimited number of producers.
Platform for creating and sharing content

Get a quote for Assist


LMS tool with the possibility to create engaged training and individually monitor results at the user level.
Read more about Train here

Unlimited number of producers.
Platform for creating and sharing content

Get a quote for Train


Process tools that connect overview process maps into sub-processes and with instructional guides.
Read more about Map here.

Unlimited number of producers.
Platform for creating and sharing content

Get a quote for Map

Free trial

Try InfoCaption for 14 days. Get the support of e-mails and a personal coach to understand the benefits quickly.


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Create fewer guides and give end users quick access to your existing documents with context-sensitive help.

From 1 050 SEK/mo.

Read more

Hard to choose?

We help you find the right solution!

Book a demo, and we will help you along the way and find the optimal solution for your business.

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Quote A cost-effective and user-friendly tool with extensive opportunities

Maria RenströmPiteå municipality

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