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Workflow learning = efficient workflow

Digital courses are not always the most effective way to learn. It is often easier to learn while sitting down with tasks. With Workflow learning, efficiency increases when learning support can be found just a click away.

E-book on digital learning

Provide support with a more efficient way of working

To improve well-being in the workplace and create a motivating and developing employee experience, there must be safety and support. Through needs-based, easily accessible learning, employees can be guided through the tasks. Where the motivation is, directly in the workflow.

Become a learning organization

Investing in knowledge support for employees naturally leads to increased competence development. By offering self-help in the working day, you prepare the foundation for becoming a learning organization. Above all, it generates more efficient workflows, which in turn creates a more productive, and thus profitable, organization. 

What is Workflow learning?

Workflow learning is learning and support that is available directly in the workflow while tasks are being performed. Unlike more traditional learning, the focus here is on providing immediate and efficiency-enhancing benefits.

Knowledge level

How does it work for the employee?

The guides are context-sensitive, i.e. the guides that are presented are adapted to the task you are working on. Whether it's about sending travel invoices or making a new Powerpoint presentation.

The help is available just a click away, on the same screen as you work. This means that you move on faster with work tasks, without interruption, either to look around for help or to ask a colleague. We know that it takes time to get back into the workflow.


How does it work behind the scenes?

The help is made available to the user via a web extension, a Windows app, or an API.

Guides and support materials are produced, administered, and maintained in a knowledge portal.

Finally, content and knowledge support are easily linked together to websites or programs. Then the right guide is displayed at the right time!

Quote We see it as using InfoCaption as a compass and the content of the website as a map.

Trond Kristiansen, Counsellor, Section E-health - Nordlandssykehuset

Do not listen to us,
listen to our customers

Do you want to know more?

We are happy to show how InfoCaption can support your organization to achieve a more efficient working day with workflow learning.

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workflow learning kontakt illustration