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E-learning and LMS: Opportunities and Challenges of Future Learning

Workplace education has undergone significant changes in recent years. Digital courses have replaced full-day sessions and classrooms, increasing accessibility and flexibility. E-learning has revolutionized how we acquire knowledge, and the key to this transformation lies in the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS). This text will explore how e-learning and LMS have become essential tools for both large and small organisations.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

A Learning Management System is a software platform to plan, execute, and assess a specific learning process. Thus, LMS can be considered the backbone of e-learning. But how can e-learning and LMS change education?


1. Accessibility and Inclusion

E-learning makes education more accessible. Organisations with employees across the country can offer the same training to everyone, even if they are geographically dispersed. 


2. Cost-Effectiveness

LMS can reduce an organisation's training costs in several ways. It minimizes the need for physical training materials, eliminates the need for a conference venue, and eliminates travel expenses. Beyond the travel cost, employees also avoid travel time, making it more time-efficient and saving operational work hours.


3. Flexibility

E-learning allows employees to take courses when it suits them. With in-person training, there is always the risk of illness, family responsibilities, and similar issues that might cause one to miss a course entirely. If the course is digital, it can be completed when the employee is healthy and can gain the most from the training.


4. Data-Driven Learning

LMS offers tools to track and analyze training results. This data can be used to improve course materials, adjust learning objectives, and personalize the experience based on individual needs.


Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the many advantages of e-learning and LMS, some challenges must be overcome. Implementing new technical solutions presents challenges, such as staff training and a subsequent learning period. Additionally, staff must recognize the opportunities and benefits of e-learning so they feel motivated to use the system.

What is new can be difficult, and what is difficult can be challenging to motivate.

Furthermore, organisations must continuously maintain and update their LMS to ensure they keep pace with technological changes and pedagogical developments and that the content is accurate.

Another challenge is ensuring that employees retain what they have learned during training. According to Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve, we forget 80% of what we have learned within one month. To counteract this, it's essential to supplement training with continuous knowledge support after completing the course. By integrating support into the workflow, for example, through Performance Support tools, employees can access knowledge and necessary information exactly when needed. This helps them apply their new skills directly in their daily work and ensures that knowledge is reinforced and updated.


E-learning in the Future

The future of e-learning is bright. With advances in AI, the next step is to make LMS even more intuitive and adaptable. Adaptive learning, where content dynamically adjusts to the user's understanding and progress, may become the norm. Integrating virtual reality in e-learning also offers exciting opportunities to create more engaging and interactive learning experiences.


In Conclusion

E-learning and Learning Management Systems have profoundly impacted how we perceive and approach education. As central elements in the digital transformation, they continue to open doors to innovative learning experiences. For organisations, investing in e-learning and LMS is an investment in the future.

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The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Annika Björlin-Delmar InfoCaption

Annika Björlin-Delmar