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Get the maximum potential of new system functions with clear instructions

Change and development happen everywhere and all the time. New smart solutions replace each other. But how do you ensure that the new solutions are used in an organization so that you actually reach the possible potential?

The Västra Götaland region (VGR) has, as part of the national knowledge management, a process organization to improve the quality of care. Anders Lundqvist, infectious disease doctor at Södra Älvsborg Hospital, leads one of the processes and is responsible for the quality of care for patients with pneumonia, which includes more than 7,000 care opportunities per year in VGR. One of the main goals of the improvement work is to optimize the use of antibiotics.

The process work has been ongoing regionally for five years, and the improvement work takes place through a combination of guidelines, information, feedback and improved digital aids. Since 2023, VGR's medical record system has included a standard care plan that the doctors must follow on every treatment occasion. The plan must be followed to achieve the desired quality improvements, but it also means more administration, which can be time-consuming for a heavily burdened healthcare staff.

To simplify implementation, the speech recognition function has recently been implemented directly in the system. This means that doctors can use short code words to automatically perform tasks and documentation in accordance with the care plan. Anders believes, however, that no matter how straightforward a process is or what advantages a new digital solution has, changes most often mean some threshold for the employees who have to learn new ways of working. Unfortunately, the risk is that the possible potential is not achieved in the improved processes or new functions.

With a background in this, Anders has focused on recurring, clear, and stripped-down information about how the specific speech recognition function works. In InfoCaption, he recorded a short video in four steps, in a total of 2 minutes, to ensure that the message got out and was manageable. The video shows the system view and how the employee can use the function step by step in the process. The video also has audio and subtitles to strengthen the message and increase accessibility.

Anders points out that his favourite is simplicity for the recipient when he creates guides in InfoCaption. If there is too much and too complicated information, his experience is that you risk losing many people. It is better to aim to convey the most important thing!

The video guide has been introduced in one hospital within the region, but it will be introduced in several hospitals in the future. The recipients are mainly doctors who are responsible for patients with pneumonia, but the guide will also be communicated to managers.

"From acorns grow great oaks," and Anders hopes that the guide can lead to increased use of the speech recognition function and, thus positive results in the quality work. Ultimately, the goal is high quality in the care of patients with pneumonia, including optimized antibiotic use.

Månadensguide juni 2024_VGR_Blogg2

Link to VGRs videoguide in steps what describe the function

VGR's work draws attention to the importance of clear instructions and guidance in connection with the introduction of new system functions. Through its educational guide, VGR shows how to discover the actual potential of new functions. For that effort, they are well deserving of the Guide of the Month award – congratulations VGR!

The Västra Götaland region receives the Guide of the Month award

Every month we at InfoCaption appoint the Guide of the Month - a guide that we want to highlight a little extra because of the value it creates in the organization. As a thank you to the person(s) who created the Guide of the Month, we donate SEK 1,000 to the organization Hand in Hand Sweden, which fights poverty by creating more jobs in vulnerable countries. Hand in Hand works with the "help to self-help" model, which aligns with InfoCaption's mission "to make it easier for employees to help each other".



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Axel Österlund InfoCaption

Axel Österlund