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Learn how Stena Recycling supports employees with learning during system implementation

When companies face significant changes, such as introducing new systems, employees and users must be properly supported to adapt quickly and continue working efficiently. One of the biggest challenges for organisations during such processes is to ensure that all users can adopt and understand the new tools. Here, Stena Recycling has the potential to be a role model for other organisations.

In connection with an upcoming system implementation, Stena Recycling has developed user-friendly and structured digital manuals to support users and the organisation during the transition. Focusing on educational video guides and a clear structure, aim to help employees easily and efficiently navigate the new system once it's in place.

The manuals are divided into clear sections corresponding to specific views or functions of the systems, making it easier for users to find relevant information quickly. Each section contains high-level descriptions and screen recordings in the form of video step-by-step guides, making them useful for beginners and more experienced users.

Another strength of Stena Recycling's work is that the manuals describe individual functions and clearly show how different parts of the system are connected. Although the system has not yet been implemented, with these manuals, Stena Recycling has laid the foundation for its employees to adopt the new processes and tools with the least possible resistance. We at InfoCaption believe this way of working is an inspiring example of how other organisations can facilitate their employees in change processes and thus increase productivity and user satisfaction.

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Stena Recycling's work is an excellent example of how structured educational manuals can facilitate an upcoming system implementation and create an effective learning environment. Their effort shows the importance of putting users' needs at the centre when introducing new systems and processes. We believe their method can inspire other organisations to see the value in user-friendly support tools and thereby contribute to successful implementations. As a confirmation of their thoughtful work, Stena Recycling was awarded the Guide of the Month award, reflecting their exemplary preparation for a significant change.


Stena Recycling receives the
Guide of the Month award

Every month we at InfoCaption appoint the Guide of the Month - a guide that we want to highlight a little extra because of the value it creates in the organisation. As a thank you to the person(s) who created the Guide of the Month, we donate SEK 1,000 every month to the organisation Hand in Hand Sweden, which fights poverty by creating more jobs in vulnerable countries. Hand in Hand works with the "help to self-help" model, which aligns with InfoCaption's mission "to make it easier for employees to help each other".



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The Author

At the blog, we share inspiration and knowledge about digital learning and Performance Support, and inspiring cases from our customers.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions or want to discuss the article.

Axel Österlund InfoCaption

Axel Österlund