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Customer Case


- Streamlining the support, as well as increasing customer satisfaction

Bild till citat_Hogia_Madeleine Öijersson

Who are Hogia?

Hogia is a company developing business systems, software for staff administration and transport solutions. Hogia is a wide organization, with many smaller companies focusing on specific markets to provide optimal assistance for their customers. The Hogia-group consists of 27 companies and 650 coworkers in the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. In addition to email and phone support during office hours, Hogia offers its’ customers a digital support tool called “Kundtorget”, meaning “Customer Plaza”.

Hogias Customer Plaza

The customer plaza is a digital support tool where customers can get the help they need regarding Hogia’s products. We interviewed Ann-Louise Lyrhem, webmaster, to learn more. 



“For us at Hogia, it’s important to always be available for our customers. Through Kundtorget our customers can get help 24/7, 365 days a year. They can download and update their Hogia software, search among questions and answers, watch guides and instructional videos (made in InfoCaption), view check lists for various routines and much more. Our aim is to work proactively and help make our customers workdays smoother and easier.

Kundtorget is administered and maintained by six webmasters who are each responsible for one or more of our products. The webmasters all have previous experience of working with customer support giving us genuine competency, as well as a thorough knowledge and understanding of our customers’ needs.”

- Ann-Louise Lyrhem, webmaster

Quote Dare to invest in a digital support tool and ensure that time is set aside to produce materials. To meet our customers' needs and ensure that customers quickly get the help they are looking for saves us a lot of time and is well worth the time we spend creating instructional materials.

Madeleine Öijerson, RE-responsible Kundtorget - Hogia

What does Hogia's customers say?

Hogia’s customers really appreciate the extra service all this provides in addition to the regular support. This is mainly due to the constant availability and digital accessibility of the information.

Some of the responses in a recent customer survey were:

  • "Great service! All I need to do is follow the instructions and everything works itself out! Very well described solutions, I am very satisfied!"
  • "Everything is simple and easy to understand. You are doing a great job!"
  • "Kundtorget is my best friend when I have no one to turn to at work. Thanks to you guys for existing!"


We asked Madeleine if she has any advice for organisations experiencing a heavy load on their support:

“Dare to invest in a digital support tool and ensure that time is set aside to produce materials. To meet our customers' needs and ensure that customers quickly get the help they are looking for saves us a lot of time and is well worth the time we spend creating instructional materials. Today, Kundtorget has 333 500 logins and 170 000 views on its' guides yearly. This, of course, makes the workload for our regular support much more manageable.

The combination of offering our customers phone support during office hours and a digital support tool available around the clock is a great strength for Hogia.

Do you want increase customer satisfaction and streamline the support?

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